Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

What Are We Inside and Out

Who are we, truly?

Do we each follow guidelines, or do we simply go with the flow?

This is crucial for everyone. We all inhabit this world, yet some live without boundaries or structure.

I believe this is something we should teach, to help those less fortunate or from different backgrounds understand right from wrong. Possessing a moral compass doesn’t give us the right to ridicule those who don’t. Those graced with the Holy Spirit should offer mercy and grace. Our backgrounds may differ, but what’s important is setting an example through action and compassion. We’re not here to judge but to assist and guide one another with forgiveness and love. I cherish my daily routine: waking up, spending time with Jesus, and then carrying on with a positive attitude, aiming to do one thing that will make someone feel special and loved.

I aim to help as many people as possible to successfully complete their journeys.

Colleen Wakefield

SharCos Inc.

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